News from Child Evangelism Fellowship
Principals Speak Out About Good News Club®
Child Evangelism Fellowship® conducted a voluntary survey among principals of public elementary schools that host a Good News Club® (GNC™) after the last bell rings. Two hundred and twenty-four principals from around the country (28 states represented) took the survey. Principals all across the US stated that Good News Clubs have proven to be a possitive experience in their schools.
Principals’ responses to the question, “What aspects of the Good News Club program have you appreciated?”
“It allows the students and families of my school to have an extended learning opportunity connecting home/school/church. It allows students at the school to enhance their personal relationships with one another through the Good News Club activities. It fosters a positive connection between school character program and Good News Club traits.”
“Reading practice, mentoring, positive role models”
“I do not/have not observed any lessons; however, the students who are in the GNC rarely receive discipline referrals to the office. Undoubtedly, the club has been a successful part in curbing bullying and classroom disrespect from children.”
“Students love the program. Parents are excited to have the program in our school. The Good News Club works with us to promote good choices among children.”
“The directors and volunteers are doing a good job taking care of our kids. We do not get complaints from parents, nor do we have disciplinary issues after school.”
“Kids and parents love it, and the teachers are the absolute best! They are a JOY to have on campus.”
What principals have personally seen or heard from students, school teachers and parents as an outcome of Good News Club.
“Students of the Good News Club create lasting relationships with one another outside the academic setting of school. Students model lessons learned in the Good News Club during the school day. Students who might struggle with value choices at school are given great role models within the Good News Club. Parents of the Good News Club love having the safe haven of the school setting to enhance their child’s academic and spiritual growth.”
“Some of the students reference the lessons learned and will at least think twice before acting. It has also helped some of our students that do not make friends very easily find a common ground.”
“A couple of parents have had positive comments regarding their children’s behavior and attitudes who are in the Good News Club.”
“We have noticed an improvement in student behavior. Good News Club has provided us with an extra resource for our high risk population.”
“They respond differently to their fellow students when there is a conflict.”
“Since the Good News Club has been a part of our school, the office referrals have decreased.”
“The students who are in the GNC rarely receive discipline referrals to the office. Undoubtedly, the club has been a successful part in our curbing bullying and classroom disrespect from children.”
“I hear students that do not normally do well with behavior at school, beg to go to GNC with a promise to behave. I have seen the calm it brings to many students’ day.”
“I see it every day. What they are learning in the GNC is carried over. Students are more respectful and they are thinking twice about their behaviors.”
“Students seem kinder with each other. Rules are followed and empathy and understanding is exhibited.”
“The students are better behaved and making better choices both personally and academically.”
“I have had one student in particular that has had a behavior shift for the better and I know he loved attending the Good News Club. There were always lots of students in attendance and it grew each week as the word spread.”
“I have heard them talking about the club when they come into the office early for help class. On Mondays some of the students would remind me that Good News Club was after school today and please don’t forget to announce it! They know I need all the help I can get!!!”
“Students wanted to behave in class so they could continue to attend GNC even though class behavior did not impact their participation.”
“When I visit with students who are not making good choices and I know they are part of the GNC, I use that as part of my talk with that student. I’ve made a not very good attempt to attend as many GNC meetings as possible so that kids see me seeing them there and I know what they’re listening to.”
“Increased attendance, homework completed more regularly, and excitement to be at school.”
“I have heard students encourage each other to follow rules because of what they learned at GNC.”
Principals still had more to say:
“This is a great program. I hope it continues for many years.”
“We love having such a positive program as part of our Community School programming. The Good News Club has been a very welcome addition to the school. Thank you.”
“We value being able to offer such a quality after school program for our students.”
“An excellent program for all students. They love attending and look forward to it every week. Job well done!”
“I think the Good News Club is a wonderful program that I would like to see continue in our school.”
“We welcome the Good News Club. Hope you will be with us next year.”
“We look forward to working with the Good News Club for many years to come. Thank you!”