Big Picture

“Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches! Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord! Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.”

Lamentations 2:19

“Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches! Pour out your heart like water before the presence of the Lord! Lift your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint for hunger at the head of every street.”

Lamentations 2:19

50 Days of Prayer for Christmas Party Clubs

So children may know the true meaning of Christmas

We strive to reach 10 million children with the Gospel this year through Christmas Party Clubs. For this to be possible, we must train 300,000 volunteers by hosting 15,000 Christmas Party Club seminars. These volunteers will conduct 330,000 Christmas Party Clubs. Our vision is to see 3 million children receive Jesus as Savior. We pray that these Christmas Party Clubs will open the door to start 30,000 Good News Clubs.

Christmas Party Club™ is one of the Party Club ministries of Child Evangelism Fellowship® that presents the Gospel to churched and unchurched children. These one-time events are taught by Good News Club® leaders, Sunday school teachers, children’s ministry workers, and other believers who love children. Christmas Party Clubs include a Gospel-centered Bible lesson, games, a memory verse, songs, and more to teach children about the true story of Christmas! Party Clubs can be used as a one-time outreach program, a party for your Sunday school, and more.

Goals for the 50 Days of Prayer for Christmas Party Clubs


Volunteers Trained


Children Reached


Christmas Party Club Seminars


Children Receive Jesus as Savior


Christmas Party Clubs


Good News Clubs Started

Weekly Prayer Guide

We challenge you to fast for one meal during the 50 Days of Prayer. Spend this time in prayer for the Christmas Party Clubs.

Week 1 — November 2-8

Pray for the Vision of Christmas Party Clubs

  1. 10 million children will hear the true meaning of Christmas and receive Jesus as Savior.
  2. 300,000 volunteers will be trained and commit to conducting Christmas Party Clubs (CPCs).
  3. God will open the best locations for Christmas Party Clubs.
  4. God will lead CEF national directors to develop the best CPC training plan.
  5. CPC materials will arrive on time.
  6. Weather will be favorable for 15,000 CPC seminars.
  7. Churches will get involved.

Week 2 — November 9-15

Pray for Christmas Party Club Training Staff

  1. They will have safety as they travel.
  2. They will cast the vision with passion and inspiration.
  3. God will protect staff from persecution or harm.
  4. They will have safe places to stay.
  5. God will protect those who carry Christian materials in areas closed to the Gospel.
  6. They will have good health.
  7. They will be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Week 3 — November 16-22

Pray for Christmas Party Club Volunteers

  1. Volunteers will catch the vision and passion for lost children in their communities.
  2. They will commit to conduct at least 3 Party Clubs as a team.
  3. Volunteers will receive support from churches and other believers.
  4. They will have courage to conduct Party Clubs in unreached areas.
  5. Materials will arrive on time.
  6. The Holy Spirit will inspire volunteers to see the spiritual needs of children around them.
  7. They will conduct more CPCs than planned.

Week 4 — November 23-29

Pray for Christmas Party Club Preparation

  1. God will help and encourage our training teams.
  2. Volunteers will be well prepared to teach the true meaning of Christmas.
  3. Parents will allow their children to attend.
  4. Children’s hearts will be receptive to God’s Word.
  5. Churches’ vision for children will be ignited so they participate in Christmas Party Clubs.
  6. God will open doors to conduct Christmas Party Clubs in difficult areas and war-torn countries.
  7. Weather will be favorable to carry out Christmas Party Clubs successfully.

Week 5 — November 30-December 6

Pray for the Children

  1. Children will attend CPCs and hear the Gospel.
  2. Children will be filled with peace and listen.
  3. Children will understand the true meaning of Christmas.
  4. Children will understand the Gospel and receive Jesus Christ as Savior.
  5. Children will attend church and Good News Club.
  6. Children will tell their friends about Jesus.
  7. Families of children who attend CPCs will also hear the Gospel and be saved.

Week 6 — December 7-13

Pray for Christmas Party Clubs

  1. CEF staff will all become involved in CPCs.
  2. God will protect and bless places where CPCs are conducted.
  3. God will protect volunteers and workers from harm.
  4. God will provide for financial needs of volunteers who conduct CPCs.
  5. Those who have not yet conducted CPCs will be led to conduct clubs.
  6. God will give continued strength for those teaching multiple CPCs.
  7. The Gospel message will be clearly taught.

Week 7 — December 14-20

Pray for Results

  1. CPC teachers will report to local directors with testimonies, photos, and statistics.
  2. 10% of CPC locations (about 30,000) will become GNCs and churches.
  3. CPCs will result in a great revival in churches and Sunday schools will grow.
  4. Volunteers will receive more CEF training in 2024.
  5. CEF workers will gain a bigger vision to reach more children next year.
  6. God will bless our workers, training teams, volunteers, and their families.
  7. All glory, praise, and power be to God!

December 21

Pray for Regional Goals

North America/Caribbean 350,000
Latin America 1,500,000
Europe 300,000
Middle East 4,200,000
West and Central Africa 650,000
East and Central Africa 1,000,000
Southern Africa/Indian Ocean 1,000,000
Asia Pacific 1,000,000


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