Big Picture

Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day


Thank you for praying for CEF’s ministry to children around the world. We are so thankful for friends like you who partner with us in this mission by lifting up the needs of this ministry before the Lord. Here are just a few specific ways you can pray for us.


    1. Pray for the children who need to hear the Gospel, that God would prepare their hearts to hear the message and that He would provide the opportunities for them to hear it.
    2. Pray for the children who hear the Gospel for the first time, that the message would take root in their hearts and bear fruit.
    3. Pray for God’s protection for CEF’s workers.
    4. Pray for the “Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Luke 10:2).
    5. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength as we seek to accomplish the great commission in reaching Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day.
    6. Pray for the Lord’s provision through daily bread for this ministry.

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