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IMPACT Annual Report 2018 Ministry Statistics

Taking the Gospel to Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day is a daunting task and will not be accomplished without sacrifice. See how God has used CEF to accomplish His mission in this edition of the IMPACT magazine.

Jesus made it clear to His disciples that there would be a cost to carry out the Great Commission. “Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you” (1 John 3:13). The signs of opposition are all around us. Nearly every week we hear of one of our workers suffering for the sake of the Gospel. On the international scene, the cost of following Christ is becoming greater and greater. But as in the days of Jesus, persecution does not stop the spread of the Gospel; rather, it accelerates it. Here in the U.S., our culture is speeding away from God. We still have great freedom, but with that freedom comes the responsibility to do everything in our power to reach the next generation—across the street and around the world.

The world population is well beyond 7.7 billion people; with 2.5 billion children under the age of 15 who desperately need to hear the Good News. The Lord has given His Church the task of taking the Gospel to every corner of the Earth so that all may know Jesus’ words, “…I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” ( John 14:6). Taking the Gospel to Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day is a daunting task and will not be accomplished without sacrifice.

We are praying for 1,600 more workers worldwide in the next three years to allow us to move from reaching 25 million children annually to reaching 45 million. This is a God-sized vision, but as someone said, “Attempt something so great for God, it’s doomed to failure unless God be in it.”