Tough Questions from Kids
How can I recognize God’s voice?
-Wally Grant
Did you know every voice is one of a kind? Even the best impersonator can’t sound exactly like someone else. God’s voice is unique too. But you will probably not hear His voice with your ears in this life. It’s a voice you learn to recognize with your heart. You learn other people’s voices by hearing them often and same is true of God’s. The Bible says, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” As you read or listen to the Bible and believe it, you are hearing God’s voice with your heart. Only God’s people are able (John 5:37-39).

As a child of God, the more you get to know and trust God’s Word, the more you will recognize His voice. You will learn the difference between God’s voice and wrong voices. God’s voice will always match up with the Bible. God would never ask you to do something that goes against His Word. God speaks in other ways than directly from the Bible. Sometimes He speaks through godly advice from other Christians. Other times He speaks as His Spirit gives you His peace about a situation or decision when you pray. Remember, when you know you’ve heard God speaking to your heart, it’s important to do what He says!
Give your testimony
Please share your story of how any of the ministries of Child Evangelism Fellowship® (Good News Club®, 5-Day Club®, etc.) impacted you as a child and how God is working in your life today as a result.