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Teaching Kids About Jesus by Modeling the Good Shepherd |CEF

Teaching Kids About Jesus by Modeling the Good Shepherd |CEF Modeling the Good Shepherd While Teaching Kids About Jesus What does it look like to be a “good shepherd” as Christian role models for children? I’ve often wondered this while teaching kids about Jesus, and the answer came to me in a surprising way. One morning, Coach... Read More

Accepting Christ at a Young Age

Accepting Christ at a Young Age Accepting Christ at a Young Age “Can a child be saved?” you ask. The answer is, yes. You may wonder, When can they be saved and how can I lead them to Christ? Let’s look at the spiritual condition of children, the possibility of their salvation, how we can reach... Read More

Teaching Kids Responsibility and Discipline | CEF

Teaching Kids Responsibility and Discipline | CEF 3 Tips for Instilling Discipline in Children July 4th is right around the corner and with it comes a lot of talk about independence. As Americans, we value our independence, with the Fourth of July commemorating the United States’ declaration of independence and the... Read More