Good News Club®

“I came to Good News Club when my friend invited me so I could know about God. Now I know Jesus as my Savior, and He helps me with hard times.”
Fourth-grade boy from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Now, more than ever, children need the Gospel
Children today face an increasingly dangerous and hopeless world. Unchurched families in every country—and even locally, in your own community—have no legacy of faith to pass on to their children. They do not know the reason for our hope.

A Good News Club meets kids right where they are
In schools (yes, schools!), community centers, churches, and neighborhood homes, teachers who are screened, trained, and equipped lead action-packed Good News Clubs every week, delivering the timeless truths of the Bible in exciting, engaging ways. Children learn the Gospel, and many come to know Jesus as their Savior.
You can bring the Gospel to children
Good News Clubs only happen because of people like you! You can help organize and lead a club in your home, at your church, or in your school. You can support our work training and equipping teachers with your donations. And most importantly, you can pray for this ministry!

Global Impact



A Child’s Influence
Karloina Hornjacek, Serbia
One boy who came to Good News Club started testifying to his parents. He warned them about sin and that nothing sinful could be near God. His parents believed they would go to heaven if they did good deeds. The mother met me and asked if what her son said was true. It is wonderful how honest children are and that they want to share what they hear and receive. I am challenged to go to other villages so as many children as possible can hear the Good News.
Word Power
Lisa Kilgore, Local Director, CEF of Lancaster County
In Pennsylvania, children in the Lancaster County school district are excited to receive Bibles as a special gift during Good News Club. This ignited a passion to learn more from God’s Word and to share with those around them. One fourth-grade boy asked if he could talk to three second graders. He told them, “I came to Good News Club when my friend invited me so I could know about God. Now I know Jesus as my Savior, and He helps me with hard times.” This same child clung to God’s Word as he went through a heart surgery last December, and he told them God can bring them to peace. “Now,” he says, “I want to tell everyone else how good it is to know Jesus!” The local director of CEF Lancaster County says, “It brings tears to my eyes to think how God is working in the lives of these children.”
Bouncy Heart
Diana Doyle, GNC™ Team Leader, CEF Virginia, Peninsula Chapter
In Good News Club this year we had a delightful but energetic first grader. Each week she came bounding into club full of enthusiasm, bouncing from one table group to another, then wiggling and chattering through the Bible lesson and other club activities. I prayed God’s truths would get into her bouncy heart. During the last club of the year, each child received a Wordless Book wristband. As I explained God’s salvation plan through the colors, my bouncy first grader was as active and distracted as ever. The next week, while attending a school play, I spoke with a fifth grader from our GNC. She was a teacher’s helper for my bouncy first grader’s class. She shared that a couple days after our final club, she entered the first-grade classroom to help and saw that bouncy first grader sharing the Gospel message with a friend using her Wordless Book wristband. God works, even in bouncy hearts!
Shining the Light in Middle School
Dr. Faith Dugan, CMI Online Director/Leadership Training Instructor, CEF International Headquarters
God stirred 13-year-old Elijah’s heart to start a student-led Bible club in his middle school. He talked with the principal and spoke to a teacher about using a classroom for the after-school Bible club. After the school granted permission for the club to meet on campus, Elijah determined the best day of the week for club. Then he walked through the school hallways with a sign-up sheet, asking his peers to sign up if they were interested in attending the after-school Bible club. Parents of these young people signed permission slips. Elijah now leads a group of seven peers through the book of Romans on Wednesday afternoons! He explained, “I’ve always liked the book of Romans! We read and discuss one chapter each week and have time for questions and answers.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Can we really teach the Bible in public schools?
Yes! The Gospel has been taught freely in public schools all over the world for some time. Now children in the U.S. have that opportunity, too! In 2001 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Good News Clubs v. Milford Central School that Good News Clubs can meet in public schools in the United States after school hours on the same terms as other community groups. Children attend Good News Club only with their parents’ permission.
What can Good News Club do for my community?
A Good News Club can identify a home in the neighborhood that is safe for a child to go to in times of trouble. It brings the teaching of biblical morality to his neighborhood. It connects the child and his family to others where they live developing a good community spirit. When you teach God’s Word to children in your neighborhood, your neighbors learn what you believe. Community centers and housing complexes are also great places for a club.
What is taught in Good News Club?
Each week an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF is presented. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missions story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson’s theme.
Each club includes a clear presentation of the Gospel and an opportunity for children to trust the Lord Jesus as Savior. Every club also includes strong discipleship training to build character and strengthen moral and spiritual growth. All children are encouraged to attend a local church.
Who teaches Good News Club?
Christians who are concerned for boys and girls work together volunteering their time and energy to teach Good News Club. They are trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship to have a club that is exciting and informative so that children will want to keep coming. Teachers are asked to sign the CEF Statement of Faith and agree to abide by the policies of the organization. Adults working with the program are screened according to our child protection policy.
In the United States there is a movement among churches to adopt a public school Good News Club.
How can I support Good News Club?
Connect with your local CEF Chapter to find out how you can get involved in your community through Good News Club. You may also prayerfully consider giving toward the ministry.
Get involved with Good News Clubs
Learn More
Read more stories about the impact of Good News Clubs in the lives of children through email updates.
Connect with your local CEF Chapter to find out how you can get involved in your community.