Party Clubs
Party Clubs are ministries of Child Evangelism Fellowship® that present the Gospel to churched and unchurched children. These one-time events are taught by Good News Club® leaders, Sunday school teachers, children’s ministry workers, and other believers with a love for children. Party Clubs include a Gospel-centered Bible lesson, games, a memory verse, songs, and more! Party Clubs can be used as a one-time outreach program, a Good News Club kickoff, a holiday party for your Sunday school, and more. Christmas Party Clubs, Easter Party Clubs, and topical Party Club kits are available through CEF Press®.
Many children today are lost
There are too many children who don’t know Jesus. Adults who want to witness to children don’t feel that they have adequate time to commit to children’s ministry—making it even harder for kids to learn about Jesus. Wouldn’t it be great if the children in your community had the chance to hear the Gospel, even with your busy schedule? Our Party Club kits provide the resources you need.

A Party Club brings the Gospel to children
This one-time event allows you to share the Gospel with the kids in your community through many different themes. Holiday themed Party Clubs include Christmas, Easter, and Valentine’s Day. CEF® also offers topical themes like peanuts, dinosaurs, and outer space! All CEF Party Clubs are Gospel-centered and use the theme to share the Good News of Jesus with church and unchurched children in a way they understand.
Meet children where they are
Through a Party Club, CEF will come along side your church to help you share the Good News of Jesus with all kinds of children in your community. While each Party Club is Gospel-centered, there are also teachings for saved children. Party Clubs can be hosted in churches, schools, and other community areas so you can meet the children where they are.