You may be familiar with the idea of random acts of kindness—small actions that show kindness to others. These actions are called “acts.” The book of Acts describes the acts of Jesus’ apostles through the Holy Spirit.
Maybe you hated history as a kid, or maybe it was your favorite subject. In addition to American, world, and many other cultural histories, there is also biblical history.
CEF was founded by Jesse Irvin Overholtzer in 1937. The ministry has grown into the largest evangelistic outreach to children in the world. CEF is currently ministering in countries around the world and in every state in the U.S.
4 Bible Storytelling Tips to Capture a Child’s Heart Children love to hear stories. From bedtime, to bath time, to every in-between time, stories entertain and spark imagination. And what better story to teach kids than the story of the Gospel and God’s work...