Teach Kids!
Helping You Teach the Kids in Your Life
Teach Kids is a short and powerful “HOW TO” for parents and children’s ministry workers. Practical topics cover things we struggle with to things you might not have thought about. Our goal is to equip you with aspects of gospel parenting, evangelism, and discipleship – helping you teach the kids in your life, whether they are your own or those to whom you minister.
Latest Episode
Why Invest in Training for Children’s Church Workers | CEF
Learn the surprising benefits of equipping volunteers for children’s ministry with CEF’s teacher training for children’s church workers.
Countering the Misconception of Salvation by Works in Kids | CEF
How to start teaching children about salvation by grace, countering the misconception of salvation by works with unconditional love in children’s ministry.
Overcoming Hardship by Seeing God’s Hand in Difficulties | CEF
Learn how to start preparing kids for challenges early in life by teaching them how to see God’s hand in difficulties, overcoming hardship with obedience.
Teaching Kids About Salvation | CEF
Our first priority should be teaching kids about salvation, even in Christian homes. Here’s how to use the Wordless Book for teaching kids about salvation.
Are You Seizing Opportunities for Christ? | CEF
Create eternal impact through teaching children about Jesus, leading kids to Christ, and teaching children’s Bible lessons with Good News Club.
Teaching Kids About Jesus by Modeling the Good Shepherd |CEF
Learn with Rebecca Dwinell about what it means to be Christian role models and a good shepherd to the children in your flock while teaching kids about Jesus.
Teaching Kids Responsibility and Discipline | CEF
Every parent wants to raise kids into happy, independent adults. Here are 3 tips for teaching kids responsibility and instilling discipline in children.
Counseling Children During Crisis | CEF
Do you know a child in crisis? Help kids heal from trauma and follow in Jesus’ footsteps by using these 4 strategies for counseling children during crisis.
3 Truths for a Positive Body Image for Kids | CEF
From growing bodies, to the influence of the media and peers, lots of kids struggle with their body image. Here are 3 godly truths to teach children to create a positive body image for kids.