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Teaching Kids Thankfulness

Teaching Kids Thankfulness Teaching Kids Thankfulness By Jenna Townson  What’s something you’re thankful for today? God calls us to be a thankful people. Do the kids in your life have thankful hearts? Teaching kids to cultivate thanksgiving is a great lesson, not just for November, but for all... Read More

Teaching Kids About God Using the Fall Season

Teaching Kids About God Using the Fall Season Teaching Kids About God Using the Fall Season By Sarah Porch  Fall is finally here, or as some of my friends like to call it, pumpkin spice season. Fall is a special time of year. The weather starts cooling down, school schedules are set in place, and some fun... Read More

Teach Kids the P-R-A-Y Acronym 

Teach Kids the P-R-A-Y Acronym  Teach Kids the P-R-A-Y Acronym  By Maribeth Pipkorn From the mundane to the serious, kids have many needs to bring to God.  “I’m in a concert on Friday, and I’m really nervous. Pray that I will do a good job!”  “My cousin is really sick. Pray that she will stop having... Read More

Leading Your Child to a Decision for Christ

Leading Your Child to a Decision for Christ Leading Your Child to a Decision for Christ As parents, we’re often concerned about our children’s safety. Thoughts of the dangers that lurk out there motivate us to take extra precautions. You don’t just tell a small child to stay close when walking by a street, you... Read More