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IMPACT Magazine

Read the newest updates from Child Evangelism Fellowship in our latest IMPACT Magazine

IMPACT Magazine Summer 2024

IMPACT Magazine Summer 2024 Impact Magazine Summer 2024 Jesus, the King of kings, gave His life on the altar of the cross and rose again as our perfect ransom. He gave the Great Commission to the church—the body of Christ: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…”... Read More

Impact Magazine Spring 2024

Impact Magazine Spring 2024 Impact Magazine Spring 2024 In the spring, it is amazing to see tender buds break through the bark of trees. Light green shoots push through the ground, cracks in sidewalks, and asphalt roads. This is the power of life God planted in all things to grow. God has given... Read More

Impact Magazine Winter 2023

Impact Magazine Winter 2023 Impact Magazine Winter 2023 Have you considered the wonders of God? Maybe you think about the wonders of Christmas this time of year. What excites me most is the wonder of God’s work to bring lost sinners into a relationship with Himself. God continues to show His... Read More

Impact Magazine Fall 2023

Impact Magazine Fall 2023 Impact Magazine Fall 2023 Each year in autumn, I praise God for things such as the beautiful flowers, trees with colorful leaves, and delicious fruit. How do the flowers and trees know the seasons and bear fruit? It is a mystery of God’s creation. I think of the... Read More

Impact Magazine Summer 2023

Impact Magazine Summer 2023 Impact Magazine Summer 2023 In the pages that follow, you will learn what Child Evangelism Fellowship® is doing because the Lord is not wishing that any should perish. Our strategy is to train, equip, and support. Last year we trained 423,062 people to reach children... Read More

Impact Magazine Spring 2023

Impact Magazine Spring 2023 Impact Magazine Spring 2023 Our Lord, our anchor, strengthens us to accomplish His plans. We are Hisworkmanship who can accomplish the ministry He has set before us. We can reach out as His witnesses, no matter how difficult the community, knowing He will go with us.... Read More