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Influencing Your Child’s Public School

Influencing Your Child’s Public School

Are you concerned that your child’s faith and values will be negatively impacted in a public school? You are not alone. However, I’d encourage you to not look at your child’s school as a battlefield. Instead, see it as a garden where you can plant seeds of love and truth.

Spiritual Renewal Week 2021

Welcome to Spiritual Renewal Week at International Headquarters. Each year our staff looks forward to this special week when we set aside the mornings for spiritual refreshment and ask God to restore our souls through His Word, worship, and fellowship. You may join us by selecting sessions below to hear from our Bible teachers and musicians.

Ultimate Christmas Party

Ultimate Christmas Party

Ultimate Christmas parties celebrate one of the most amazing events in all of history—the birth of Jesus! Children Across America are having a blast at Ultimate Christmas Parties: fun-filled celebrations with games, songs, treats and a Bible story.