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Whether you are a children’s church worker, a seasoned Sunday School teacher, a small group leader for Vacation Bible School, or new volunteer in any children’s ministry, we are here to help you with all of the mysteries and dilemmas that come up while working with children. Sunday School Solutions is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship®. CEF® has over 85 years of experience in ministering to children all over the USA and around the world. It is our desire to help you in all aspects of your children’s ministry.

The Heart of Worship

What comes to your mind when I mention King David from the Bible? You may remember how he had the courage to fight a giant or how he hid from King Saul who wanted him dead and then refused to kill Saul when he had the chance. You may think about his sin with Bathsheba and how he committed adultery and murder. Still, David was known as a man after God’s own heart. Do the children you teach have a heart for God? How does King David’s heart for God help us have a heart of worship?

More Sunday School Solutions

Teach Children the ACTS of Prayer

Teach Children the ACTS of Prayer

by Debra HaneAs a parent, I love when my children want to spend time with me. I enjoy when they share what is on their minds or ask for help. And it warms my heart when they say thank you. Good communication pours the foundation for healthy relationships. That is also...

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Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Understanding the Lord’s Prayer

Have you taught your children memorized prayers? I remember praying the “God is great, God is good” prayer before meals and “Now I lay me down to sleep” at bedtime. But the prayer that took more effort to learn was the Lord’s Prayer.

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Worship with the Psalmists

Worship with the Psalmists

Are you sad, happy, angry, thankful, or afraid? Everyone’s emotions can change based on their circumstances or moods. Sometimes our emotions can be hard to manage or understand. Children need help to understand and properly manage their emotions, too.

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Ways to Worship

Ways to Worship

What comes to your mind when I say, “Come, let us worship God”? Did you think about going to church and singing praises to God? We often talk about church services as our time of worship. But are there other ways to worship?

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The Heart of Worship

The Heart of Worship

Do the children you teach have a heart for God? How does King David’s heart for God help us have a heart of worship?

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What is Worship?

What is Worship?

For many, it is easy to hear words in a church service and in our everyday language without knowing what they mean. Children could tend to lean into this mentality, which then leads to adults who don’t really know what these words mean that they’ve heard their entire lives, but there is always excitement when we get to learn the meaning of a new word! In this series, we will be looking at Scripture and how the writers defined worship.

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The Parables of Jesus: The Lord’s Prayer

The Parables of Jesus: The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11 may sound familiar to the children in your Sunday school class since it is a common passage of Scripture. This doesn’t make it any less important. In fact, it is so common because of how important it is. In these few verses, Jesus tells us how to talk to God the Father! The final parable in our series follows Jesus’ model for prayer. Before the kids in your Sunday school can understand the parable, they should learn how to talk to the Father.

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The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

The Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

As believers, we are called to forgive those who have sinned against us. But this can be challenging, even for children. Maybe a friend lied to them or said hurtful things. Maybe someone at school stole one of their valuable possessions. How can you teach the importance of forgiveness to the kids in your Sunday school class?

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Children's Ministries Institute

If you have a heart for reaching children for Christ and discipling them, if you desire to train others in this ministry or if you are seeking career opportunities in this field, CMI is just what you need.

CEF Press

CEF Press produces and distributes Bible and missionary lessons and related materials for use in teaching children to help accomplish the goals of the ministry.