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Teaching Kids About Salvation | CEF

Teaching Kids About Salvation | CEF

Our first priority should be teaching kids about salvation, even in Christian homes. Here’s how to use the Wordless Book for teaching kids about salvation.

Teach Children the ACTS of Prayer

Teach Children the ACTS of Prayer

by Debra HaneAs a parent, I love when my children want to spend time with me. I enjoy when they share what is on their minds or ask for help. And it warms my heart when they say thank you. Good communication pours the foundation for healthy relationships. That is also...

Accepting Christ at a Young Age

Accepting Christ at a Young Age

“Can a child be saved?” you ask. The answer is, yes. You may wonder, When can they be saved and how can I lead them to Christ? Let’s look at the spiritual condition of children, the possibility of their salvation, how we can reach them, and our mission.

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