Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Online Training
The Children’s Ministries Institute is excited to announce online training! Designed to meet the busy lifestyles of those who minister to children, these seminars and courses provide biblical, practical instruction on a variety of topics.
Explore the wide range of online courses and resources available!

Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 (TCE)
TCE Level 1 is a practical learning experience designed to equip students with basic skills and effective methods to evangelize children and immediately begin a neighborhood outreach ministry.

Romans Road Demo Course
The Romans Road for Children is a free 3-week demo course designed to train students in how to present the Gospel in a simplified way with children using the tool of the Romans Road.

Teaching to Transform Seminar Series
The Teaching to Transform Seminar Series covers various topics related to direct ministry to children. Biblical principles and practical ideas are clearly communicated in each 20-30 minute seminar.