Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day
Adopt a Public School
Churches having Bible clubs in public schools – is this a dream? No, it’s happening! Churches around the world are ministering to children through Good News Club in public schools. In June 2001 this privilege was extended to churches in the United States with a historical Supreme Court ruling (find out more).
God has opened the doors of public schools to the Gospel! CEF is ready and eager to help churches enter the schools, fully equipped to share the Gospel and teach the Bible to school children and extend the biblical influence to families.

CEF offers church partners a strategic plan, materials, training, support and mentoring. Through a God-centered partnership between the local church and CEF, children’s lives change and churches grow.
Churches come to the partnership with the most important ingredient, God’s people. A team from your church will bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the school children. CEF offers specialized training for this endeavor.
CEF takes care of the major logistics of getting a club started: contacting the school, providing liability insurance and conducting background checks.
To find out if a school in your neighborhood is available to adopt, contact your local CEF office.