Big Picture

Every Child, Every Nation, Every Day


CAA Logos

Contains: PNG, JPG, AI, EPS, PDF, low res JPG

CAA Banner Ads (10) 846px X 324px (zip)

Permission to use these banners is granted with the condition that banners link to or reference the website in a printed piece.

CAA Banner Ads (10) 360px X 216px (zip)

Zip file containing 10 banners for CAA sized 360 px X 216 px.

Permission to use these banners is granted with the condition that banners link to or reference the website in a printed piece.

CAA Banner Ad 1

When used in an email or any internet use this banner MUST link to

Radio Spots (English)

CAA Radio Spot, English, Eternal Significance, 60 seconds, phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, English, Eternal Significance, 60 seconds, with web tag

CAA Radio Spot, English, It May Be Early, 30 secs, with phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, English, It May Be Early, 30 secs, with web tag

CAA Radio Spot, English, Ultimate Gift, 30 seconds, with phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, English, Ultimate Gift, 30 seconds, with web tag

CAA Radio Spot, English, Urgency, 60 seconds, with phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, English, Urgency, 60 seconds, with web tag

Radio Spots (Spanish)

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 30 secs, It May Be Early, Phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 30 secs, It May Be Early, Web tag

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 30 secs, Ultimate Gift, with phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 30 secs, Ultimate Gift, with web tag

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 60 secs, Eternal Significance, with phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 60 secs, Eternal Significance, with web tag

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 60 secs, Urgency, with phone tag

CAA Radio Spot, Spanish, 60 secs, Urgency, with web tag